
Join us for an afternoon of great acoustic music for a great cause! Music will be provided by the Libertyville/Grayslake band the Mojo Daddies (Mike Dikelsky, Craig James, Rob Twardock), Doug Anderson, and more of Kraigʼs musical friends.

On June 2nd 2024, friends of Kraig Kenning will present an afternoon of music in order to raise money to help with Kraigʼs medical expenses. For the last 30 years his sole source of income has been entertaining fans with his guitar, his voice, and his personality in the Chicago suburbs and beyond. Most of the material he performs is entirely original. Recently he has run into a serious medical issue. He has stopped performing to concentrate 100% on healing. Without any income, we are hoping to raise funds to help with his medical expenses. Any proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to his gofundme campaign.

Please consider contributing to his Gofundme https://gofund.me/3ede3a63 and sharing this campaign with others.