May you take advantage of every new day as a beginning. Live in every moment on your journey through this life. Feel the wind, the sun, the rain, the earth ... and Listen.

Kraig is a full-time, touring musician. After 30 years on the road, Kraig has had to put a halt on performing in order to concentrate 100% on healing. Without his livelihood, the cost of healthcare and living expenses face Kraig with huge financial strain. We are asking for your support.

For the past 2 years, Kraig has been struggling with chronic hoarseness and sore throat. In the last 10 months, this has developed into a much more serious condition involving muscles in the face and throat causing issues with speech and swallowing. Several neurologists have told us the symptoms point to ALS (bulbar onset Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). We are looking into every curable solution for Kraig’s condition.

If you would like to donate to help Kraig get through this, please visit his gofundme page:


We couldn’t be more grateful for your support. Please share this fundraising campaign with others.

We are also graciously accepting all prayers and soul intentions.



UPDATE from Kraig - May 31, 2024

Hello everyone,

I'd like to start off by thanking you all for your heartfelt prayers and generous donations. They truly have been life-saving for me. We spend the majority of our time scheduling and researching healthcare options. We're looking in every direction to find some relief from these neurological issues that have made it impossible for me to perform for a living, on top of everything else.

The financial strain just adds stress to an already overwhelming situation. Your donations have made an incredible impact on my day-to-day recovery physically and just as important my mental attitude.  So very grateful.

I wish I could say I was out of the woods and we knew exactly what was wrong but we all know life is rarely that simple. My speech still remains my biggest struggle. Muscle movement in my face, tongue, and throat have slowed and seem to be getting worse with time. Low energy levels and muscle soreness have slowed me down. The good news is I'm still getting around and some days are much better than others. Also, I have a great support group, and Andrea is always there to hold me up, or just sit quietly with me. Thanks to your help, I've been able to connect and visit with many helpful healers. I'm also caring for myself with extremely healthy food, daily exercise, meditation and positive thinking. 

These are some of the resources your donations have allowed me to utilize:

Dr. Sadic, MD Franklin Park, Illinois
Dr. Epperly, MD functional Dr. Bloomingdale, Illinois
Dr. Jay Lombard, neurologist, author, New York
Rehabologym speech therapy New York
Dr. Jacobson neurologist Rush Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Donald Backstrom MS DC Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Dr. Jessica Lipham, ND Sarasota, Florida
Teresa Winters, LMT Craniosacral Geneva, Illinois
Candice Burkett Shiatsu Wauconda, Illinois
Dr. Sand holistic dentist Ocala, Florida
Dr. Loeser facial surgeon Park Ridge, Illinois
Dr. Bikshorn neurologist Barrington, Illinois
Dr. Patel neurologist Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Dr. Bastian voice institute Downers Grove, Illinois
Countless lab tests, transportation, and living expenses

